Is World Changing ET Technology Hidden In Plain Sight?

Andrew B. Raupp
10 min readMar 12, 2018


Image: Getty / Interstellar Telescope

Written by: Andrew B. Raupp (@stemceo) / Edited by: Joaquin Flores

If you’ve been up late scouring the latest offerings on Netflix lately, you may have come across Unacknowledged, a fascinating new documentary that details available evidence on the existence of alien life forms as compiled by Dr. Steven Greer and his The Disclosure Project. While the film may not stand up to any true Scully-level skeptics, the provocative ideas posed about alien technology offer some excellent food for thought as we consider what our modern world would look like with the sudden reveal of previously “hidden” technologies.

Greer and his colleagues posit that there’s ample evidence of the existence of UFO research programs, and countless government officials have corroborated actual sightings, as well as the presence of dark money budgets that have fueled this research to the tune of millions, if not billions, of US taxpayer dollars. Our curiosity about alien life and extraterrestrial technology is indisputable, and it seems clear now that there is also evidence that governments have been working in the shadows to better understand what might be out there beyond our own humble planet. But while some of Greer’s claims may veer into conspiracy territory for some, there’s also a fascinating idea at the heart of the film: what if knowledge about aliens is being suppressed because their technology would drastically alter our current culture and economic systems?

The Power of “Free Energy”

Dr. Steven Greer brilliantly connects the dots by luring viewers in with credible UFO evidence and dizzying information that involves the likes of JFK and Marilyn Monroe, ultimately segueing into a radical shift that gets the audience to consider what would occur if humans had access to the kind of “free energy” that he believes powers alien spacecraft.

The idea of the disruptive potential of free energy, which could power our world without the use of finite fossil fuels and costly electrical infrastructure makes up the bulk of the third act of the film, “The Lost Century.” And while Greer acknowledges how completely world changing it would be to have access to truly “free” energy, he also notes that it’s not actually a new idea, and gives a major nod to the innovative engineer Nikola Tesla and his potentially world changing work in the 19th century.

While “Tesla” is now synonymous with innovative CEO Elon Musk and his electric car company (as well as his recent successful launch of a bright red roadster into space), science buffs know that Nikola Tesla was a brilliant and eccentric engineer whose experiments created a powerful form of energy that threatened the very existence of burgeoning electric monopolies. In fact, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students across the world continue to play with Tesla’s ideas — a search for “tesla coil” on video sharing platform YouTube reveals almost half a million results, many of the videos created by amateur and student engineers.

Image: Getty / Flying Saucers

So, how does the science behind free energy work? The details in the film are a bit fuzzy, but Greer and other experts refer to “zero point energy,” which Mark McCandlish, military aeronautic illustrator, describes the power of such energy as: “the amount of energy in a cubic meter of space-time is 1026 power. That’s ten with 26 zeros behind it. That’s enough energy in a coffee cup to boil all the oceans of Earth completely away into steam.”

If humans were able to access such a power source, Greer argues that we would be able to eliminate many of the problems that plague our modern world. While Greer makes clear that he’s a true believer that this energy is already available and being actively hidden by governments as a way of continuing to allow traditional energy companies and defense contractors to profit, he’s also begun work to try to create and harness this energy without waiting for the curtain to be pushed back. His latest project, Sirius Disclosure, focuses on energy technologies, and new ways of perhaps recreating the powerful energy that a few select Americans have already seen in action from top secret, alien spacecraft.

Meanwhile, Back on Earth

The desire to access technology from alien life forms is certainly compelling, especially given that the work and time required to take on large scale, high tech projects here on our own humble planet can be staggering at best. As recently reported by Popular Mechanics, Japanese glass makers and scientists based in the ultra dry desert conditions of the American West are hard at work on the large scale, collaborative project of creating the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT), a significant feat that could influence our ability to observe and contact other life forms. As PM notes, “the giant telescope will have 10 times the resolving power of the Hubble Space Telescope, revealing distant galaxies, the birth of stars, and the compositions of exoplanet atmosphere…When it all comes together in the 2020s, the GMT will be able to resolve an object the size of a dime at 60 miles away.”

An exciting project to be sure, but one that we earthlings will have to wait years to achieve. While one solution may be the deus ex machina of technology from outer space, another solution is the one that we’ve already known about for quite some time. Develop stronger, high quality, and accessible STEM programs in classrooms around the world, and increase our own planet’s capacity for the kind of technological innovation that can fundamentally change our society. From reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, to uniting together in unprecedented peace, the problems of our modern time could well be solved by unknown life from a far, or, with commitment and focus, we can work to unlock our own technological potential, right here, right now.

May 18th, 2023 Update: In my previous analysis into the fascinating and often controversial realm of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and their implication on our understanding of the universe... I have unearthed a plethora of additional information into the impacts of these phenomena on both individuals and society at large, attempting to discern truth from conjecture and to provide readers with a comprehensive yet critical perspective.

The following serves as an essential update and continuation of this journey of understanding. The narrative has taken an intriguing turn, with new information coming to light regarding some key players and pivotal events that have shaped the history and current discourse of UFO research. The complexity of the subject matter makes it critical to stay updated with evolving theories and actualities.

Below, I revisit the Rockefeller Project, a major initiative launched in 1993, and re-evaluate its purpose, execution, and its implications for our understanding of UFO phenomena. In examining new insights and evidence, I unpack the true intentions behind such projects, re-evaluating its implications in broader sociopolitical contexts. Furthermore, I probe into intriguing connections between UFO research and other significant historical events and projects, including MK Ultra and Area 51.

Image: Getty ID# 1184216361 / Area 51 Sign

The analysis concludes with a contemplative look towards the future of human civilization, emphasizing the strategic importance of space and our collective responsibility to extend our reach beyond our terrestrial boundaries.

As we continue this fascinating journey, I remain committed to maintaining an open, critical, and comprehensive approach to the subject. After all, it is through such a perspective that we can hope to understand our place in this vast, ever-expanding universe.

The Rockefeller Initiative

In 1993, a groundbreaking effort known as the Disclosure Initiative was established by influential financier Laurence Rockefeller, the fourth son of John D. Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil. The initiative had a twofold objective:

  1. Consolidate the most prominent UFO research organizations in the United States under a single coordinating entity, which was successfully achieved within a year.
  2. Advocate rigorously for the Clinton Administration to declassify an abundance of documents, a feat accomplished in 1994, although it primarily disclosed a plethora of anecdotal testimonies and correspondences.

At the zenith of the Rockefeller UFO Disclosure Initiative, the Clintons frequented the Laurence Rockefeller ranch in Wyoming. John Podesta, Clinton’s Chief of Staff and an early enlistee to the “disclosure mission,” began to publicly advocate for UFO disclosure in 2002. He has since continued his collaboration with figures such as Bigelow and To the Stars Academy over the subsequent 18 years.

Image: NPS Archives / Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve Center, WY (with permission)

Throughout the Clinton administration, Laurence Rockefeller recruited Stephen Greer, to direct the Disclosure Project, which continues to provide him with a livelihood. Greer has conducted countless interviews promoting the narrative that NASA’s Apollo Lunar projects were terminated in 1972 simply because extraterrestrials, allegedly occupying the Moon for millennia, wanted to prevent the truth from being disclosed. Greer further postulates that any reverence for the human capacity for creative thinking and innovation is effectively undermined by the idea that our advances in space technology only exist due to borrowed extraterrestrial technologies.

The consequential belief system postulates advanced knowledge or technological progress as another form of “secret knowledge,” only accessible to an exclusive few who have been endowed with special abilities, such as communication with extraterrestrials. However, the following critical questions arise from this narrative:

Why would a leading figure of the illustrious Rockefeller dynasty dedicate his latter years to the cause of “UFO truth”? Was there a genuine concern for public access to concealed truths from Laurence Rockefeller, his beneficiaries, or intelligence operatives? Or was this scheme merely designed to divert public attention and create a misdirection that detracts from urgent issues such as America’s gradual decline?

Linking MK Ultra & UFOs

The intelligence-funded mass psychological manipulation operation known as MK Ultra, initiated in 1953, is widely recognized. However, few people have identified the connection between MK Ultra and the exponential growth of the UFO movement throughout the Cold War.

Government investigations into UFOs began sporadically in 1947 under Project Sign and Project Grudge in 1949. It wasn’t until 1950 that officially funded departments were established in both nations for the pursuit of “UFO research.” These took the form of the USA’s Project Blue Book in 1952, modeled on the work conducted by Britain’s 1950 “Flying Saucer Working Party,” spearheaded by Sir Henry Tizard, the Chief Science Advisor to the Ministry of Defense and Chairman of Britain’s Defense Research Policy Committee.

In her book “The Shock Doctrine,” journalist Naomi Klein notes that Tizard played a pivotal role in the creation and funding of MK Ultra during a high-level meeting in Montreal. Tizard’s documented involvement in this meeting, later revealed through declassified CIA documents, insinuated his participation in discussions on “brainwashing”. This meeting served as the groundwork for MK Ultra, an operation aimed at not only tackling brainwashing but also experimenting with mind manipulation techniques including the use of LSD and the deconstruction and reconstruction of human minds. These techniques were envisioned to be implemented on a national scale, inducing “shock therapy” to detach cultures and nations from their historical identities and traditions, thereby restructuring them under a post-nation state, neoliberal world order. Despite the American execution and funding of MK Ultra, the operation’s guidance was principally driven by London’s Tavistock Clinic.

One must consider that the mere allocation of government funds to investigate UFOs was enough to legitimize the existence of extraterrestrials for millions of Europeans and Americans during the Cold War. This era was characterized by the collapse of faith in trustworthy governance due to international conflicts such as the Korean and Vietnam wars and the domestic expansion of the Military-Industrial Complex and McCarthyism. The secrecy surrounding patents, weapons, and research and development projects during this time led many to anticipate the sightings of “unidentified flying aircraft.”

In her 2012 book “Area 51 Uncensored,” journalist Annie Jacobson provided extensive details about the Cold War experiments, aerospace technology, and nuclear bomb testing that took place at Area 51. This revived the memory of the mass panic caused by H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds broadcast in 1938, providing insight into the mechanics of mass psychology that were of interest to social engineers.

During WWII, the Horten brothers were linked to Austrian scientist Viktor Schauberger whose innovative flying technology designs utilized water currents and electromagnetism to create flying machines that reportedly exceeded the speed of sound. Schauberger was promised government sponsorship in America, leading him to relocate, hoping his designs would be used for peaceful purposes. However, upon discovering his work would be militarized, Schauberger resisted, resulting in his patents being appropriated, leading him to return to Austria, where he died impoverished and disheartened in 1958.

The Post-1971 Globalized World Order was always intended to collapse, leading to a mass shock therapy that would disengage the world from the Abrahamic traditions that governed western society for 2000 years. The goal was to create a new society engineered in the image of a depopulated world under the control of a hereditary alpha class and their technocratic managers. However, the emergence of statesmen refusing to sacrifice their people and traditions has given rise to the multipolar alliance, advocating for long-term growth and scientific and technological progress exemplified by the New Silk Road and its Arctic extensions.

With China and Russia jointly developing lunar bases and NASA’s Artemis Accords calling for international cooperation on Lunar and Mars resource development/industrialization, it seems the lost era of unlimited growth may be recaptured. A cooperative space program to extend human culture and economy to the Moon, Mars, and beyond, would be the ideal way to approach the existence of other civilizations.

Image: Getty ID# 1488309524 / Looking At Earth From Space

Ultimately, we might be called upon to uphold JFK’s legacy and delve into these uncharted domains.

This article originally appeared in Fort Russ News (FRN): A publication of the Center for Syncretic Studies on March 9th, 2018 and updated for Medium on May 18th, 2023.

Andrew B. Raupp is the Founder / Executive Director @stemdotorg. “Democratizing science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education through sound policy & practice…”



Andrew B. Raupp
Andrew B. Raupp

Written by Andrew B. Raupp

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